Flight and migration

Gaining a foothold in a new country requires a lot of courage and often presents people with enormous challenges. Whether it's language barriers, official hurdles or simply getting your bearings in the new country. Our teams at the Youth Migration Service and the Refugee Advisory Service will help you get started in a new country.

For young migrants

Will my training be recognized in Germany? Will I find new friends? Where can my family and I live? And how can I find out more about the culture in my new home country? Questions like these are always on the minds of young migrants in particular. Our aim is therefore to work with them to develop individual solutions and promote participation in all areas of social, cultural and political life. We primarily target migrants between the ages of twelve and 27. Our tasks also include their educational and professional integration as well as that of their families. To ensure that language barriers do not stand in the way of this, we offer our consultation hours not only in German, but also in Arabic and Kurdish.

  • for questions relating to language support
  • with questions about securing a livelihood
  • housing and employment problems
  • dealing with authorities and offices
  • with personal and family matters and crises
  • with questions about school and funding opportunities
  • with questions about the recognition of school and professional qualifications
  • in communicating social rules and different cultures

We also provide support to authorities and specialist services - for example through specialist advice, lectures and further training on issues relating to migration and integration backgrounds and intercultural competence.

The Youth Migration Service is now also offering open consultation hours in Rheda-Wiedenbrück on Mondays from 12 noon to 3 pm.

The Youth Migration Services (JMD) have developed from the Youth Community Services, which have decades of experience in integrating young ethnic German immigrants. The JMD Gütersloh has been active in integration work since 1980.
The principles for the implementation and further development of Program 18 in the Federal Child and Youth Plan (KJP) form the basis:

"Integration of young people with a migration background" (status: 01.01.2011) http://www.bmfsfj.de/Politikbereiche/kinder-und-jugend,did=13622.html

Framework concept

  • Individual case support and group work
  • Socio-educational support for integration course participants up to the age of 27
  • Network and social space work / intercultural opening
  • Quality development and further training
  • Gender mainstreaming

Further information can be found at: www.jugendmigrationsdienste.de

Your contact to us

Youth Migration Service in Gütersloh
Kirchstraße 10a
33330 Gütersloh

Advice centers for refugees

Finding your feet in a country after fleeing is hard. The colleagues at our refugee advice centers in Gütersloh and Rheda-Wiedenbrück can help you with this. We offer orientation and information for your new life in the two cities, provide advice and support in the asylum procedure and in dealing with the authorities. We arrange language and/or literacy courses, educational opportunities, employment promotion measures and psychosocial care services. We also provide advice on looking for work and housing and on increasing personal responsibility in the transition to receiving benefits under SGB II. In all of this, we work closely with volunteers, authorities, education providers and other social institutions. We also help with intra-family and neighborhood problems. We work with you to develop new perspectives!

Our colleagues are characterized by their intercultural competence and are always up to date on asylum law issues.

News and current offers

The "Café Connect" in Gütersloh is open every Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 especially for Ukrainians.
The "Café Connect" in Rheda-Wiedenbrück is open every Thursday from 1 pm to 2:30 pm especially for Ukrainians (Rheda-Wiedenbrück info flyer www.diakonie-guetersloh.de/fileadmin/Downloads/Soziale_Hilfen/20220317Flyer_Austauschtreff-Ukrainer.pdf).
In addition to information on orientation and dealing with the authorities, our team is open to questions and problems. In addition to Ukrainian refugees, this service is also aimed at volunteers who are already in contact with Ukrainians, who look after them or who have taken them in. For individual questions from refugees or volunteers regarding residence, asylum and social law issues, we provide appointments for advice. The other offer for Ukrainians in the two cafés:

  • Exchange / Информаци
  • Advice / Консультация
  • Conversations / Разговор
  • Encounter / Встречи
  • Food / Drink / Чаепитие
  • Children's games / Игрры

Where: Где
Kirchstraße 10a, 33330 Gütersloh или Hauptstraße 90, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück

When: Когда
Gütersloh: Thursday, 12 to 2 pm / Четверг с 12 до 14 часов или
Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Thursday, 1 to 2:30 pm / Четверг с 13 до 14:30 часов

Our meeting center "Café Connect" in Gütersloh is open every Thursday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. especially for refugees from the Ukraine.
Our meeting center "Café Connect" in Rheda-Wiedenbrück is open every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. especially for refugees from the Ukraine.

Boths are offers for refugees and volunteers who are in contact with Ukrainians, look after them or have taken them in. In addition to general information, our team always has an open ear for your questions and problems. Furthermore, you can enjoy the following offer in our café:

  • information / Информация
  • consultation / Консультация
  • talks / Разговор
  • meeting / Встречи
  • snacks and drinks / Чаепитие
  • games / Игры

"Café Connect" meeting center in Gütersloh
Kirchstraße 10a
33332 Gütersloh
Opening hours: Mondays to Wednesdays, 12 noon to 2 pm.

Located in the same building as the refugee advice center, "Café Connect", which was founded in 2016, has become an important meeting place for refugees and Gütersloh residents over the years. This is only possible thanks to donations. In particular, we would like to thank the Gütersloh Protestant parish, which has provided the premises since the beginning of 2016, provided start-up funding and supported us with advice and assistance. We would also like to thank the many private donors and (listed in alphabetical order) Bertelsmann, the Gütersloh Community Foundation, the Lions Club, the Rotary Club and the Volksbank Foundation for their commitment!

We offer sponsorship for a family or an individual. Your time resources and many other factors play an important role in choosing the right sponsor family. Gütersloh residents who are interested in becoming a sponsor receive individual advice from the refugee advisors at Diakonie Gütersloh, as well as group offers for joint exchange and information on topics and issues relating to voluntary sponsorships. Give us a call, we will be happy to inform you.

For our refugee counseling service in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, we are looking for volunteers who would like to get involved in language courses for refugees. Previous training as a teacher is not required. If you are interested, please contact:
Fatma Aydin-Cangülec
Phone 05242 93117-3320
Mail fatma.aydin-canguelec@diakonie-guetersloh.de

Your contact to us

Contact the Gütersloh advice center
Kirchstraße 10a
33330 Gütersloh

Personal advice by appointment.

Your contact to us

Contact the Rheda-Wiedenbrück advice center
Hauptstraße 90
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Personal advice by telephone appointment.